For the 2024 - 2025 school year, Richard Secord School is full in planned classes in Grades 2 and 6 in the regular program, Grade 1 in the French immersion program, and Kindergarten to Grade 6 in the Cogito program.
We will no longer accept enrolment requests for these classes.
If you are new to Edmonton Public Schools, you must register online.
Open House - Wednesday, February 12 - 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
- Please come tour the school.
- Please note that program information will not be provided at this time. Attend a virtual information session to learn more about our Cogito and French Immersion programs.
Program Information
Attend a virtual information session for more information about Cogito or French Immersion programming;
- Cogito Information - Slides from Presentation on February 4th.
- French Immersion Information - Slides from Presentation on February 11th
- The academic rigour of the Cogito program is very demanding.
- Parents must understand the program's expectations to make an informed choice.
- Click Here to See the Cogito Foundational Principles
- Learn more about the Cogito Program at Richard Secord at our virtual information session on Tuesday, Feb. 4 at 2:00 pm. Cogito Google Meet Link
Is your child ready for the challenge,
and are you, the parents, prepared to work with your child daily
to support their success?
- First, resident students from our designated attendance area are provided access to registration in the Cogito Program at Richard Secord School during pre-enrolment, February 3 - March 19, at 4:00 pm.
- Next, siblings of current students who are returning to the school the following year are considered for access during pre-enrolment
- We can accept resident students outside the attendance area if there's space.
- We will use the random selection process if the number of applicants exceeds the available space.
MEETINGS FOR SUCCESS - Thursday, February 13, at 3:00 p.m.
All Kindergarten applicants interested in the Cogito Program must participate in a 'Meeting for Success.'
- This is an opportunity for prospective students to engage in age-appropriate tasks presented in a Cogito setting while being observed by the teachers.
- School Administration will use the evidence and observations collected during the 'Meeting for Success' to engage parents in a conversation about the child's readiness for the program's expectations and demands.
- These meetings are an essential way to connect with our new families and students, and this connection is vital to student success in the Cogito program.
New registrants interested in the Cogito Program must email the school a copy of their latest Progress Report.
- The administration will use this to engage parents in conversations about the student's readiness for the program's expectations and demands.
- Levels of achievement are not used as the sole determining factor for the child's readiness for the program.
- Learn more about the French Immersion Program at Richard Secord at our virtual information session on Tuesday, February 11, at 2:00 pm - Google Meet Link.
- Resident students from our designated attendance area are guaranteed access to Richard Secord School's regular program during pre-enrolment, February 3 - March 19, 2025.
- Siblings of current students returning to the school the following year are guaranteed access to the regular program during pre-enrolment.
- We can accept resident students outside the attendance area if there's space.
- We may go to random selection if the number of applicants exceeds available space.
- **Students new to the French Immersion program may begin in kindergarten or grade 1.
Steps to Register for Students New to Edmonton Public Schools
Step 1- Complete the digital student registration form
Step 2- Provide legal proof of the student's name, citizenship and birthdate (see below for examples)
Step 3- Provide 2 pieces of address verification for the student's parent/legal guardian (see below for examples)
Step 4- A member of our administrative team will get in touch with you via email to confirm your registration
Examples of Legal Proof of a Student's Name:
- Canadian Provincial Birth certificate
- Canadian citizenship document
- Canadian passport
- Canadian study permit
- Confirmation of a permanent residence document
*Confirmation of address:
- Valid driver's license or vehicle registration (must be current living address)
- Lease agreement, rental agreement or purchase agreement (must be current, not future address)
- Utility bill, property tax bill or telephone bill
- Banking, financial or insurance documents
- Pre-enrolment is open from February 3 until March 19, 2025. You must pre-enrol on SchoolZone to notify the school where you'd like your child to attend next year.
- Find important dates and deadlines and learn more about pre-enrolment.
- Online Kindergarten Age Calculator link:
- If the number of students who want to attend a program exceeds the available space, applicants from outside the school's designated attendance area will be chosen by Random Selection.
- Specific information about the registration process can be found on the Edmonton Public School's website.
- Online registrations can be completed on your smartphone or other electronic devices.
Submitting a registration package after the March 19, 4:00 pm deadline may limit your options to schools with available space.
- Learn more about registration dates and deadlines.
- To submit the form, all documents must be uploaded. Please ensure that you provide clear photos and that the entire page is visible for each document submitted.